Summary of Talks for 2017
Date | Speaker | Topic | Venue |
20 Jan, Fri | Tan Buck Koon | Riding on the Market Waves in the Year of Fire Rooster 2017 | 9 Raffles Place #30-02 |
24 Feb, Fri | Jonathan Tan | How to predict the market, bullish or bearish? | 9 Raffles Place #30-02 |
17 Mar, Fri | Patrick Yeo Ek Meng | The History of the Rubber Trade in Singapore and Rubber Trading | 9 Raffles Place #30-02 |
20 Apr, Thu | Soh Tiong Hum | Trends that will come back to bite in 2017 | 9 Raffles Place #30-02 |
19 May, Fri | Jennifer Ooi | Market outlook on major FX pairs and stock indices | 9 Raffles Place #30-02 |
30 Jun, Fri | Tan Buck Khoon | Coming to Terms with Trumponomics, What's next for Singapore investors? | 9 Raffles Place #30-02 |
19 July, Wed | Nicholas Tan | An Alternative Look @ Volume | Village Hotel Bugis |
13 Sep, Wed | Kelvin Wong | How To Implement Profitable Global Macro Trading Strategies | 6 Battery Road #20-01 |
20 Oct, Fri | Paul McLaren | Volume At Price | 6 Battery Road #20-01 |
22 Nov, Wed | Raymond Tan | Autochartist Trading | 6 Battery Road #20-01 |
Details of Talks
20 Jan Riding on the market waves in the Year of fire rooster-2017
A top-down approach to investment, looking at FX, commodities(oil & gold), bonds (int rates), equity from a macroeconomic perspective. Mr Tan will also touch on the Trump-China new investment era and opportunities.
9 Raffles Place #30-02
Republic Plaza Tower 1
Singapore 048619
Speaker Profile
Tan Buck Koon is an acclaimed financial analyst and inspiring teacher.
He has a wealth of investment market experience from his career at government-linked stockbroking arm to major bank and leading financial institution. He shares his views and opinions on investment through weekly radio interview and frequent interviews by the press. He also co-wrote for media column in China.
As an academic, he was a MBA dissertation supervisor for University Of Wale, University of Greenwich and University of Wolverhampton. He had taught in Nanjing Audit University, Shanghai Lixin University, Beijing Technology and Business University, and other leading tertiary institutes in China. Currently, he is teaching MBA modules for Concordia University of Chicago.
As always, Buck is a highly sought-after public speaker in many investment forums.
24 Feb How to predict the market, bullish or bearish?
Outline- Would it help you if you know, with a high probability trading signal, that tomorrow will be a bullish or bearish day?
- What if knowing the above information, you know where is the precise levels to long or short the markets? And most importantly where to set the stop loss level?
- How would that help you in your trading profits?
- And what if this is a purely educational seminar with no sales expected?
If you are curious and want to know how to predict the markets regardless of forex, futures, commodities or stocks, then this is the seminar that you cannot miss. However do take note that this is an intermediate or advance level seminar as Jonathan will not cover the basic of trading. Participants are expected to have some experience in trading.
9 Raffles Place #30-02
Republic Plaza Tower 1
Singapore 048619
Speaker Profile
Jonathan Tan started investing in stock market right after the Asian financial crisis in 1998 and made quite some money. But having substitute luck with skills, he lost every profits and his capital. He accumulated his savings by working and started all over again. In every bull market, he made some profits, but when it comes to bear market, he lost everything including his capital. Sounds familiar? Until one day when he was so frustrated, he started to learn technical analysis and through real life application, he found out the practical way of applying technical analysis and from that day onwards, his trading skills started to improve and slowly regain back his lost capital and make consistent profits.
After numerous years as Regional IT Manager for a large multi-national company, Jonathan has since quit his full-time job in 2006 and now trades for a living. Having previously conducted a lot of seminars and technical analysis courses, Jonathan discovered that the simplest way to trade is the most effective and profitable. He prefers the “lazy” way to trade which means waiting for the right signals, the right time and the right price before pulling the trigger. Jonathan had previously written articles for regional newspaper and magazines such as The Star and SmartInvestor. Now he shares his experience using social media such as website, Facebook, and YouTube. He now manages a trading group in
17 Mar The History of the Rubber Trade in Singapore and Rubber Trading
9 Raffles Place #30-02
Republic Plaza Tower 1
Singapore 048619
Speaker Profile
Patrick Yeo Ek Meng is a Director and Vice President of the Singapore Exchange. His responsibility is in sales, marketing and education for commodities products listed on the exchange. Ek Meng has over 25 years of experience in the futures and commodities industry, having started his career as a bullion dealer in gold and silver in 1981. Prior to joining Singapore Exchange in February 2007, he was First Vice President at Man Financial (S) Pte Ltd. He has also held senior positions with other SGX Clearing Members, including being the Senior Vice President at Refco (S) Pte Ltd and Senior Associate Director at Ong First Pte Ltd. With his industry experience, Ek Meng has also been a regular speaker for seminars, training courses and conferences, covering futures, options and commodities. He has taught preparatory courses for the futures licensing examinations and commodities derivatives courses for new regulators.
20 Apr Trends that will come back to bite in 2017
Tiong Hum will look at big picture view of forex, indices and precious metals and analyze some interesting setups and levels that refuse to go away.
9 Raffles Place #30-02
Republic Plaza Tower 1
Singapore 048619
Speaker Profile
Soh Tiong Hum is Director of TerraSeeds Market Technician Pte Ltd. TerraSeeds is a trading educator in Singapore since 2005. Soh Tiong Hum is a regular speaker at TASS events and has a bi-monthly lunch time event on forex and stock markets. He is an avid blogger on technical analysis topics; his Twitter account @sohtionghum was ranked #23 out of The Top 70 Twitter Accounts To Follow In 2015 by MahiFX.
19 May Market outlook on major FX pairs and stock indices
In the talk, Jennifer will present her views on dollar Index, USDSGD, USDEUR, SGDAUD, SGDMYR, S&P500, STI, SSEC and GDAXI.
9 Raffles Place #30-02
Republic Plaza Tower 1
Singapore 048619
Speaker Profile
Ms Jennifer Ooi Bee Har has more than 14 years of experience on equity and commodity markets. She is senior analyst with GlobalMind Commodities Trading Pte Ltd. She worked for four years as a dealer in a Malaysia equity firm and then ten years in Wilmar. She studied in London South Bank University and obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
30 Jun Coming to Terms with Trumponomics, What's next for Singapore investors?
9 Raffles Place #30-02
Republic Plaza Tower 1
Singapore 048619
Speaker Profile
Tan Buck Koon is an acclaimed financial analyst and inspiring teacher.
He has a wealth of investment market experience from his career at government-linked stockbroking arm to major bank and leading financial institution. He shares his views and opinions on investment through weekly radio interview and frequent interviews by the press. He also co-wrote for media column in China.
As an academic, he was a MBA dissertation supervisor for University Of Wale, University of Greenwich and University of Wolverhampton. He had taught in Nanjing Audit University, Shanghai Lixin University, Beijing Technology and Business University, and other leading tertiary institutes in China. Currently, he is teaching MBA modules for Concordia University of Chicago.
As always, Buck is a highly sought-after public speaker in many investment forums.
19 Jul An Alternative Look @ Volume (AGM will be conducted prior to the talk)
Volume has always been an important aspect in technical analysis. The usual way is looking at volume with price for confirmation. Higher volume with a price rally is a confirmation of the advance and vice versa for the downward price movement. This volume is associated with time. Example - daily volume, hourly bar volume. Another way is to look at volume associated with price.
Market Profile practitioner has been using Volume @ Price for many years and in recent years, Point and Figure charting has also incorporated Volume @ Price into its analysis. If your charting software does not provide Volume @ Price, another way would be to look at Price by Volume or Volume by Price provided by your charting softwares. How do we adapt Price by Volume in our analysis? Looking at two aspects of volume; is it better than just one?
Volume @ Price has a distribution profile. Can we use Market Profile's Day profile to analyse Volume @ Price? This 60 minutes talk will look further into this aspect and provide members with another weapon to fight the market.
Talk Outline- Why do we apply Volume to technical analysis?
- The Common Way in which Volume is used.
- A look at Volume @ Price
- How to apply Volume @ Price to stock prices?
- Volume @ price profile Study and Application
- Trading Examples
Nicholas Tan has more than 20 years of experience in the area of foreign exchange (forex) trading. He worked for 13 years as a forex trader with banks in Singapore, gathering much invaluable experience in the process. He rose from the ranks to vice president, making millions for the banks in those years. From 2005 to 2008, Nicholas Tan was involved in the Diploma in Wealth Management Course at a private institute where he taught as a free lance lecturer, a module on forex and CFD Trading (stock market). In conjunction with Rank Books and Rank Seminar, Nicholas Tan has been running monthly forex trading classes since 2007. This class is now Singapore’s longest running forex class, and has exposed hundreds of participants to his simple yet highly effective forex trading techniques. Besides a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the National University of Singapore, Nicholas Tan is also a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) and a Certified Financial Technician (CFTe).
Red Velvet @ Landmark Restaurant
Village Hotel Bugis
390 Victoria Street, #05-01
Singapore 188061
19 July (Wed), 6pm - 10pm
Event Agenda6:00pm Registration opens
6:30pm Buffet dinner (until 10pm)
7:30pm Annual General Meeting
8:00pm TASS Talk
[This event is only for TASS Members]
13 Sep How To Implement Profitable Global Macro Trading Strategies
Outline- Identify the key economic relationships/factors on financial assets
- How to use dynamic intermarket analysis to spot key reversal points in broad based financial asset classes such as stock indices
- How to implement a robust risk management technique
Kelvin Wong
6 Battery Rd, #20-01
Singapore 049909
20 Oct Volume at Price: Not all prices are equal!
Volume At Price (VAP) is an extremely useful, easy to use visual tool that confirms other visual indicators. It has not been given much coverage in the Technical Analysis field. Paul will outline both the theory behind the indicator and it’s practical application.
- Steidlmayer Distribution: the current Market Profile®
- Volume at Price(VAP): the new market profile
- How the VAP is calculated
- VAP confirms support and resistance
- VAP and gaps
- VAP and a Probability Distribution Function (pdf)
- VAP and price targets in short term trades
- VAP and the choice of strike prices in options strategies
- VAP and EMV
Paul McLaren is Managing Director of his own company, Enhance Your Options Pty Ltd, specialising in training and education of options trading strategies. He has over 20 years’ experience in the local share market, and has a keen interest on options on futures. Paul has served on both his local ATAA chapter committee, and on the ATAA National Board for two years.
6 Battery Rd, #20-01
Singapore 049909
22 Nov Autochartist Trading
Outline- Brief Intro to myself
- What is Autochartist and how to use it?
- Chart Pattern, Fibonacci, Key Levels
- How to filter different trading opportunities?
- How to use it effectively to forecast trading zone?
- Free trading signal identifies real time trading opportunities
- Market Outlook via Autochartist
- Raymond Tan graduated from National University of Singapore major in Computer Science and Mathematics. Diploma in Investment from Institute of Banking & Finance (IBF)
- Worked with financial companies including Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) and top international money broking house for over 20 years as System Development Manager
- Started full time trading as SGX TMI (Trading Member Individual) since 2006
- Currently a full time private trader
- Trading instrument include forex, commodities and futures derivatives
- With strong programming background, Raymond is one of the pioneers in developing auto trading system via Expert Advisor in MT4 platform since 2005
- Raymond has developed many systems over past 10 years
- Ninja-system5 was top 10 of Zulutrader signal provider list in year 2010
- Ninja-system3 achieved 767% in one year from May2013-May2014 by myfxbook
- Founder and Developer of Hang Seng Turning Point System (HS TPS). Conducted many classroom session since 2015. Detail at Advance Turning Point Index Coaching --->
6 Battery Rd, #20-01
Singapore 049909
(Light refreshments will be served from 6.15pm)
TASS Members : FOC
TASS Facebook Members / Public : S$20 payable at the registration desk